Gift wrapping! It is something we have in common, cos we all do it at least once a year. Whether you are doing it for birthday’s or the holiday’s, gift wrapping can be a fun and creative endeavor, for some people like me. For other people, gift wrapping can be frustrating which is why I believe gift bags have become so popular.

For those people who get anxious about gifting wrapping a box shape, I am here to tell you that it is really quite easy to do. This DIY shows you how to do a basic box wrap. It is great when you will be using ornaments to add the perfect finishing touch like tissue flowers (above), ribbon (below),

Or orgiami ornament (below). Yes, I know the folds below are a lttle more complicated, but my highlight in the photo below is the origami bells.

So to do a basic wrap, all you need is your wrapping paper, your box, pair o scissors and tape. I prefer to use double sided tape but feel free to use any. clear tape you have on hand.

Check out the video below for all the steps.

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